Lady laments how her boyfriend walks out nakǝd anytime her friends visits their home and flips out when she complains

By / September 22nd, 2023
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Lady laments how her boyfriend walks out nakǝd anytime her friends visits their home and flips out when she complains

A lady has complained bitterly about how her boyfriend walks round the house naked anytime her friends come visiting.

The woman, who chose to remain anonymous, shared her concern on Daily Mail’s Jane Green column. She said she recently moved in with her boyfriend and everything was going fine until she hosted her female friends in their home and he did the unthinkable.

According to her, her boyfriend strolled into the living room stark naked, much to her and her friend’s surprise. When she confronted him, he flipped out and said she was overreacting, adding that there is ‘nothing wrong’ with walking around his house naked.

Read her full post below,

“I moved in with my boyfriend a few months ago – it’s the first time that either of us have lived with a partner and it has been wonderful. We were in complete agreement about décor, chore sharing, and splitting costs, which I know are often the topics that can cause issues with couples who move in.” The unnamed lady told Daily Mail’s Jane Green column.

But three weeks ago, I was hosting a few of my friends for a girls’ night and my boyfriend just strolled through the living room totally naked.

Lady laments how her boyfriend walks out nakǝd anytime her friends visits their home and flips out when she complains

I was absolutely stunned – everyone was. One of my friends even screamed. I figured he’d forgotten we were there, and I jumped up to shield him from view.

I bundled him out of the room… but then he just stared at me like I was the one who’d gone insane. He asked me why I was acting so strangely when he was just being comfortable in his own home

I said we’d chat about it later and went back in to make excuses to my friends.

Since then, it’s happened three more times. In fact any time I have friends over, it’s like a trigger for him to strip naked and go on a stroll around the house.

I’ve tried telling him so many times how uncomfortable it makes me, how awkward it is for my friends, and I’ve asked so many times if he can please just cover up when we have company over. Every time, he’s looked so hurt.

He asked me why I’m trying to make something perfectly natural feel so gross and creepy. He accused me of trying to make him feel like a pervert when all he’s trying to do is relax in his home.

I don’t want to make him feel like a creep at all, but I’m now terrified to invite any of my friends over because they all find it so uncomfortable and awkward.

I can’t work out if he’s telling me the truth or if these naked displays are some weird way of him claiming his territory?

Please help me find some common ground here.”

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