Asiwaju Mayegun of Ekotedo coronation; a well deserved title for Chief Mrs Olusola Adepoju-Johnson. Honourable Tolulope Gbolasire

By / April 1st, 2024
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Screenshot 20240401 155835 Gallery

Asiwaju Mayegun of Ekotedo coronation; a well deserved title for Chief Mrs Olusola Adepoju-Johnson. Honourable Tolulope Gbolasire

A prominent figure in the political landscape of Ibadan Honourable Tolulope Gbolasire had extended his warmest congratulations to Chief Mrs Olusola Adepoju-Johnson on her recent coronation as the Asiwaju Mayegun of Ekotedo land of Ibadan.


In a statement released today, Gbolasire praised Chief Mrs Adepoju-Johnson, affirming that she truly deserves the prestigious chieftaincy title bestowed upon her.


Reflecting on the significance of chieftaincy titles, he emphasized that individuals elevated to such positions automatically become the focal point of attention within their communities, and highlighted the latest Asiwaju Mayegun of Ekotedo’s potential to contribute significantly to the development of the community and beyond.


In particular, Gbolasire noted Chief Mrs Adepoju-Johnson’s track record of community service, citing her initiatives such as the installation of solar lights and her intention to organise computer training programs.

Asiwaju Mayegun of Ekotedo coronation; a well deserved title for Chief Mrs Olusola Adepoju-Johnson. Honourable Tolulope Gbolasire


He expressed confidence that her leadership would attract further developmental projects to the area, enhancing the quality of life for its residents, and also used the opportunity ato congratulate the Baale of Ekotedo, Elder Dr Taiwo Ayorinde on his 89th birthday celebration.


Furthermore, the Ita Baale born honourable underscored the importance of preserving and promoting Yoruba culture and traditions, and urged everyone to embrace their heritage and actively participate in cultural activities to foster unity and understanding within the community.


Looking ahead, Gbolasire shared his optimism for the future, declaring his intention to seek elective political office once again in the upcoming 2027 elections. He pledged to continue serving the people of Ibadan diligently, striving to make positive contributions to the city’s progress.


The honourable, who called on all residents to join hands in advancing the collective interests of Ibadan, emphasized the need for unity and cooperation to address the challenges facing the city and create a brighter future for generations to come.


While speaking in a virtual interview after the coronation, the new Asiwaju Mayegun of Ekotedo land Chief Mrs Olusola expressed her excitement for the honour bestowed on her, noting that this will further spur her to embark on more community development projects.

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